Opportunities to Serve - Interest Form
Welcome to the Presbytery of Lake Michigan! Thank you for considering a call to serve Christ through the Presbytery, Synod, and General Assembly.
This address will receive a confirmation email
Are you or have you been a:
Please select all that apply.
Teaching Elder
Ruling Elder
CE Leader
Please indicate your areas of interest by placing a check mark next to the areas described.
Book of Order Committess
Please select all that apply.
Commission on Ministry
Commission on Preparation for Ministry
Permanent Judicial Commission
Nominating Committee
Synod of the Covenant Commissioner
General Assembly Commissioner
Committees/Roles Serving the Presbytery's Mission
Please select all that apply.
Leadership Team
Budget and Finance Committee
Youth Strategies Commission
Mediation Team
Racial Equity Cohort
Presbytery Moderator
Presbytery Vice Moderator
Future Administrative Commissions
Additional comments and/or questions for the Nominating Committee?
Welcome to the Presbytery of Lake Michigan! Thank you for considering a call to serve Christ through the Presbytery, Synod, and General Assembly.
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