Presbytery of Lake Michigan Grant Application
Please use this form to apply for Presbytery of Lake Michigan Grants.
For a description of each grant, please review the following document:
Grant Descriptions
Name of Congregation for which the application is being submitted
Name of person submitting the grant on behalf of the congregation
This address will receive a confirmation email
Type of Application
Please select one option.
General Grant
Educational Scholarship Grant
Creative Ministry
Merger/Union, Joint Ministry
Name of Presbytery Commission on Ministry or Administrative Commission Representative to the congregation
Amount Requested
Detailed budget for how funds will be used, including the amount the congregation will contribute and grants/scholarships from other entities to be used for this purpose.
Attach if applicable: End-of-year financial report for 1 year prior of the date of submission. *Required for the following grants: General Grant when submitted by a congregation, Creative Ministry Grant, Union/Merger/Joint Ministry Grant, and Discernment/Dissolution Grant.
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Attach if applicable: End-of-year financial report for 2 years prior of the date of submission. *Required for the following grants: General Grant when submitted by a congregation, Creative Ministry Grant, Union/Merger/Joint Ministry Grant, and Discernment/Dissolution Grant.
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Attach if applicable: The year-to-date financial report as of the date of submission. *Required for the following grants: General Grant when submitted by a congregation, Creative Ministry Grant, Union/Merger/Joint Ministry Grant, and Discernment/Dissolution Grant.
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Time Period for which the grant is requested
Specific details and timeline for the Project for which the grant is requested
The session of the congregation affirms that
Please select all that apply.
a written quarterly report will be submitted to the Moderator of the Commission on Ministry and copied to the Presbytery Stated Clerk
the monies will be used exclusively for the project detailed in this grant application
any monies not spent on the project within one year of receiving the grant will be returned to the Presbytery of Lake Michigan
Please upload any other helpful information
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Administrative Use Only
Please select all that apply.
Minutes authorizing request by session
Minutes authorizing request by congregation
Minutes of COM authorizing request
Minutes of AC authorizing request
Letter of approval from EP
Signature of session moderator and clerk of session on application
End-of-Year financial reports for the past 2 years
Year-to-date financial report (as of the date of submission of the grant)
Please use this form to apply for Presbytery of Lake Michigan Grants.
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